8 Best Activities and Sports Seniors Will Enjoy

12Oaks-Joyful older couple walking outdoors-as-8 Best Activities And Sports Seniors Will Enjoy-Feature

Are you looking for new ways to help your parents enjoy their retirement years even more? Introduce them to walking, water sports, badminton, taichi or yoga, walking soccer, fishing, cycling, and golf.

10 Recommended Wellness Checkups For Seniors


Monitoring our health throughout life is vital as this essential practice does a great job at detecting early signs of some of the most serious health issues that come with age.

4 Ways to Strengthen Bones in Seniors With Osteoporosis


Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them more fragile, brittle, and prone to being broken. The bad news is that if left untreated, bone loss can progress for years without causing symptoms until a fracture occurs. As a result, osteoporosis-related fractures can cause pain and impairment. However, osteoporosis is preventable. 12 Oaks has […]

Proper Ways to Manage Diabetes in Seniors


With diabetes affecting one out of every four seniors aged 65 and older, controlling the life-long condition is a must-do for any senior diagnosed with the disease. Discover nine proper ways to manage diabetes in seniors.