7 Uber & Lyft Safety Tips For Seniors

BLOG-12-Oaks---hailing-a-taxi-in-the-street----------The-Benefits-Of-Uber-For-Seniors_feature | 7 Uber & Lyft Safety Tips For Seniors

With your parents entering their golden years and experiencing changes to eyesight and mobility, it’s time to consider other transportation options. Find out why Uber and Lyft are safe alternatives for seniors and how your relatives can benefit from the ride-sharing app.

5 Winter Safety Tips For Seniors & Caregivers

BLOG_12O_portrait-of-lovely-smiling-grandpa_Seasonal-Dangers-For-Seniors | feature | 5 Winter Safety Tips For Seniors & Caregivers

As the days become shorter and the temperatures get colder, it’s vital to review winter safety tips for your beloved elder family members. Follow these tips to make sure everyone stays safe and warm during this winter season.

9 New Hobby Ideas You Should Introduce To Your Parents

aged-man-playing-the-guitar-9-New-Hobby-Ideas-You-Should-Introduce-To-Your-Parents | 9 New Hobby Ideas You Should Introduce To Your Parents

Trying a new experience, especially alone, can make our parents feel vulnerable and nervous. If you are struggling with suggestions, we hope this list will have one or three hobby ideas they’ll enjoy! Read our list of hobby ideas, and help your parents discover their next favorite pastime.

9 Mind Stimulating Activities Great For Seniors

two couples of senior playing Janga --- 9 Mind Stimulating Activities Great For Seniors | 9 Mind Stimulating Activities Great For Seniors

As your parents have reached their golden years, finding activities you can do together or that they want to do alone is challenging. You face scheduling delays, and they have daily aches and pains that make them think twice. Follow this list of nine activities for seniors and discover new and exciting ways to play today!